Below the line communication

Below the line communication

It is really true that sometimes – and especially nowadays – an image is worth a thousand words. But the content is also important. What are the languages, the photos, and the styles that best describe a brand and highlight its potential? What is the graphic sign that uniquely identifies a product or a company? Before starting a below the line- project, it is essential that we have an answer to these questions.
The “below the line” materials include everything that does not stand out in the first instance, like advertising, but build up the information-box of a company or a product: brochures, flyers, corporate magazines, as well as videos and mini-clips – very important today for internet and the social media.


What can ABC do for you?

Drafting the communication strategy for your below the line materials
Studying and implementing your corporate image
Devising materials and following the production
Creating the invitation for an important event
Writing texts and contents to be adapted to various communication tools
Dealing with the translation of existing materials into Italian, or from Italian into other foreign languages

Would you like to know more?

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